

Within the long-term project “Coups, Operations, Revolutions, Wars, Conflicts” (CORWC) researchers of the Center study development and force major and revolutionary processes in separate countries, sub-regions and macro-regions; make a comparative analysis of individual elements; assess the possibility of realization and utilization of various scenarios and technologies in the regions of the South Caucasus, Europe and the Greater Middle East.

One of the themes in the section “Revolutions” is the analysis of causes, methods of realizations of so called “velvet” or “colored” revolutions, as well as their consequences.

The issues of the combat against international terrorism are studied by the themes “Wars” (terrorism as a low intensity conflict) and “Operations.”

A special attention is paid to regional conflicts, the search of their solution and settlement.

Materials of the project CORWC partly are published on the site and in the Center’s Policy Papers “In Depth Analyses.”