The South Caucasus has been characterized as one of the most vulnerable regions of the post-Soviet space since early 1990s. The security deficit can be presented as a sinusoid, which reached its latest peak in August 2008, when the military actions on the Georgian territory, actually between Russia and Georgia, followed by the drastic change in the configuration of the security structure in the South Caucasus and reflected not only on the role and importance of each regional and non-regional actors, but also provoked a growth of the conflicting potential of the entire region.
The first part of the research project analyzed the open and latent conflicts in the South Caucasus and the outcomes of August 2008 war. The second part will be dedicated to the analysis of the possible ways of minimization of the conflict potential and prevention of the transformation the latent conflicts into the open ones.
The Center expresses its gratefulness to the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and to the Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany in Armenia for their support of this project.